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International conventions related to the customs administration

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International conventions related to the customs administration
No Title of International Conventions related to the Customs Administration Entered into effect on Related agencies
1 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) 1967. 4.14 WTO
2 Marrakech Agreement for the Establishment of World Trade Organization 1995. 1. 1
3 1994 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade(GATT) 1995. 1. 1 WTO
4 Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1995. 1. 1
(1981. 3. 26)
5 Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the Protocol Thereto 1995. 1. 1
(1981. 2. 6)
6 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 1995. 1. 1
7 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 1995. 1. 1
8 Agreement on Trade Facilitation 2017. 2. 22
9 Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council 1968. 7. 2 WCO
10 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Packings 1976. 1.21
11 Customs Convention concerning Facilities for the Importation of Goods for Display or Use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events 1976. 1.21
12 Customs Convention concerning Welfare Material for Seafares 1976. 1.21
13 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment 1978. 7. 3
14 Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for Temporary Admission of Goods (A.T.A. Convention) 1978. 7.3
15 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment 1982. 9.18
16 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Pedagogic Material 1982. 9.18
17 International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures 1983.10.15
18 Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 1985. 4.19
19 International Convention on the Harmonized Commidity Description and Coding System and Amending Protocol 1988. 1. 1
20 Protocol of Amendment to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures 2006. 2. 3
21 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 1964.12.13 UN and others
22 International Convention to Facilitate the Importation for Commercial Samples and Advertising Material 1978. 7.12
23 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1983. 5.14
24 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 1993.10. 7
25 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 1975. 8. 8
26 Convention on the Psychotropic Substances 1978. 4.12
27 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets(TIR Convention) 1982. 7.28
28 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal 1994. 5.30
(1994. 5.29)
29 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1999. 3.28
30 Convention Establishing the World Intellectural Property Organization (WIPO) 1970. 4.26
31 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 1970. 4.26
32 Convention on International Civil Aviation 1952.12.11 ICAO
33 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters 1975. 8.30