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Addressing the Customs Clearance Issues

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Support for addressing potential challenges in customs clearance


Korea Customs Service supports exporters by introducing a support system to help them get past the complexities

Major contents

  • Identifying problems and organizing the TF team (perception & prevention)
    • The team identifies the barriers in customs clearance through various domestic and overseas channels and holds regular explanatory sessions, provide counseling on obstacles in customs clearance, and conduct PR activities together with local governments, associations in each region and industry, etc.
    • It is reinforcing on-site support for middle & small enterprises with comprehensive counseling service on customs administration by holding overseas forums and counseling meetings through the organization of a one-stop support team for addressing difficulties in overseas customs clearance with the FTA and other experts
  • Support for solving difficulties in customs clearance (direct measures)
    • The TF team has been arranging the high-level customs meetings with countries of frequent customs restrictions to address the difficulties in customs clearance, especially in emerging nations, including ASEAN nations where more and more Korean exporters are expanding their businesses in light of the New Southern Policy and the New Northern Policy.
    • A local task force team composed of experts in various fields is quickly dispatched for resolving customs clearance difficulties that need urgent response such as the exclusion of FTA benefits for exported items at a foreign customs and resolution of international disputes over the tariff classification.
  • Information-sharing and system improvement (expanding the base of responsive capabilities)
    • We proactively provide the information essential for the international expansion of the exporters that do not have enough information on overseas customs duties to prevent difficulties and support the exporters by giving tailor-made analyses on each type of possible problem in customs clearance.