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News 게시판 목록을 번호, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 조회수로 나타내는 테이블로 제목링크를 통해 상세 내용을 확인 할 수 있습니다.
No. Title Poster Date Hit
297 Playing a Role as a Global Pivotal State in the International Community KCS 2024.06.14 259
296 Tackling illegal activities while reviving public economy KCS 2024.02.23 877
295 Support measures to drive economic growth and export KCS 2024.02.22 671
294 How Customs Administration Combat Drug Smuggling KCS 2024.02.22 652
293 Future of KCS Data Service KCS 2024.02.20 704
292 Dynamically Innovative Korea Customs Service for Forward-Leaping Korea as a Global Pivotal State KCS 2024.02.16 788
291 KCS, 2020 Active Administration & Regulatory Innovation KCS 2021.02.23 3687
290 Korea Customs Service wins Grand Prize at the 2020 Data Quality Awards KCS 2021.01.21 3115
289 Customs Border Control Training Institute (CBCTI) signed a general Cooperation Agreement with Azerbaijan Customs Academy KCS 2021.01.21 3119
288 Korea Customs Service conducts a Training Session on Customs Modernization for Customs Officials from Belarus KCS 2021.01.21 3059