Page 74 - FTA무역리포트
P. 74

FTA ANALYSIS    한-인도네시아 CEPA 및 우리나라 기업의 활용방안

             [별지 제24호의3서식] <신설 2021. 12. 31.>
                                 인도네시아와의 협정에 따른 원산지증명서의 서식
                                              Certificate of Origin
                                         ORIGINAL (Duplicate/Triplicate)

             1. Exporter’s name and address:       Reference No.:
                                                          ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT
                                                                CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN
             2. Importer’s name and address:               (Combined Declaration and Certificate)

                                                                   FORM KI-CEPA

                                                              Issued in ___________ (Country)
                                                                  (see Overleaf Notes)
             3. Means of transport and route (as far as known):  4. Remarks:
               Departure Date:
               Vessel/Flight/Train/Vehicle No.:
               Port of loading:
               Port of discharge:

             5.  Item   6.  Description of   7.  HS code   8.  Origin    9.  Gross weight or    10.  Number and
               number    goods(including    (Six digit   criterion  other measurements   date of invoice
                         number and type    code)              and FOB Value
                         of package, and                       (only when
                         quantity)                             RVC/QVC criterion is

             11.   Declaration   by the exporter:   12.     Certification:

              The undersigned hereby declares that the above   It is hereby certified that the information herein is
              details and statement are correct, that all the goods  correct and   that the goods described comply with the
              were produced in                       origin requirements specified in the Korea-Indonesia
                                                     Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

              and that they comply with the origin requirements
               specified in the Korea-Indonesia Comprehensive
               Economic Partnership Agreement for the goods
                            exported to
                         (Importing Country)

                      ……………………………………..                         ……………………………………..
              (Place and date,signature of authorized signatory)  (Place   and date, signature and stamp ofissuing body)


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